Keil Outdoor Adventures, LLC conducts all of its elk hunts in and around Sybille Canyon located in southeastern Wyoming. Southeastern Wyoming has become well known for quality elk hunting. Our private leases are located in area 6 and are in prime elk country. It is not uncommon to see herds ranging from 50 to 400 elk. Area 6 is a General area making licenses easier to draw for non-residents than many other areas in the state. We offer both archery and rifle hunts with high sucess rates (100% with rifle.) We begin hunting elk in September during archery season, finish up rifle season for bulls at the end of October and offer cow hunts through the month of January depending on weather. The herds of elk on these ranches are resident herds and are typically around all year long.
Depending on which ranch we are hunting a typical day often starts with glassing and walking directly from the ranch house to the meadows where the elk often come during the night to feed on the recenlty harvested grass and drink out of the creek. During mid-day we often leave the elk alone while bedded, retreat to the lodge for lunch and then we head back into the field in the late afternoon to early evening. We consistenly kill quality 6X6 bull elk.